- 3251 Rosecrans St., 92110
- Built in 1943
- Site Acreage: 5.9 acres
- 300 Students
Thanks to community support through two historic bond measures, our school looks great for its age -- it was built in 1943. Students feel proud of their school, and contribute to its cleanliness.
Providing safe and well-maintained schools is a top priority for the district. To ensure that all classrooms and facilities are maintained in a manner that supports instruction, a scheduled maintenance program is administered by the district.
To further support learning, a variety of tutoring areas, such as tables with umbrellas and resource rooms are available. A literacy garden, which adjoins the counseling center, supports students who choose to read during recess.
Teachers have access to a centralized workroom, reading resource room, staff-development room, a multi-purpose media room, and a room for adaptive physical education.
Improvements are underway with funding from Proposition S.
Install a wireless network (WIFI)
Provide 21st century technology upgrades, including audiovisual projection capabilities for all students
Expand parking area and improve student drop-off area
Install security lighting, as well as, increase vandalism and intrusion safeguards, including modifications to fencing
Remove or minimize risks of any potentially hazardous material throughout the facility
Renovate existing restrooms
Improve accessibility to all classrooms, labs, restrooms, and other school facilities to comply with accessibility regulations including ADA Title I & II
Install three-compartment sink in kitchen
Install a grease trap to comply with city regulations in the kitchen
Repair/replace/remove old portable classrooms
Repair/replace heating and ventilation systems as needed
Repair/restore building interiors, exteriors, finishes and fixtures
Repair/replace deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems
Replace aging wiring and upgrade electrical systems as needed
Repair/resurface worn and damaged concrete and asphalt paving where needed
Repair and replace gutters, downspouts, catch-basins and underground piping as needed
Repair/replace/upgrade performance spaces/multipurpose rooms